Wednesday, August 23, 2017

9/11/2017 Chapter 1: Chemical Foundations Part 1

Checklist of work to be done by the beginning of class:  9/11/2017

Print this and bring it to class with completed work checked off. (Or recreate it on paper if your printer isn’t working).  I suggest doing them in the order listed.

Read pg 1-32 
Zumdahl 9th Edition
Read the chapter and take notes before we discuss it in class
Read PPT #1
Read through the Powerpoint and make notes. Make a list of questions to discuss in class.
Watch these videos to explain the concepts 
Scientific Method

Significant Digits

Factor Label Method
Watch the three videos that explain the major points of the chapter

Complete the problems from the end of Chapter 1
Textbook pages 34-36
Pg. 34-36: Problems 17, 19, 23, 25, 29, 33, 35, 39, 43, 47, 53, 59, 69, 83, 87

Study with the Quizlet for Chapter #1
Use the flashcards to practice your vocabulary for the Chapter. Then play the games to reinforce them.
Make a Quizizz
Create a Quizizz and we may play them in class 10-15 questions. Best quizizz wins a prize.
Complete WS #1.1
Complete the Worksheet
Lab Report #1 Due

Using the Lab Notebook Guide and Lab Rubric from the first week, write up your Lab Report