Sunday, August 27, 2017

10/02/2017 Chapter 2 Part 1: Atoms, Molecules, and Ions

Checklist of work to be done by the beginning of class:  10/02/2017

Print this and bring it to class with completed work checked off. (Or recreate it on paper if your printer isn’t working).  I suggest doing them in the order listed.

Task Location Directions Completed
Read pg. 42-60 Chemistry by Zumdahl textbook Read the chapter and take notes as you go.
Read PPT for Chapter 2 Pt. 1a Click here for PPT #2.1a Read through the Powerpoint #2.1 and note any questions you have.
Watch this video: Bozeman Science History of the Atom Bozeman Science History of the Atom Complete the worksheet to turn in on 10/2/2017
Watch this video: Crash Course Chemistry #1: The Nucleus Crash Course Chemistry #1: The Nucleus This covers some things that the book hasn’t fully explained yet. You may want to take a few notes and watch it a couple of times. 

Watch this video: Crash Course Chemistry #3: Fundamental Laws Crash Course Chemistry #3: Fundamental Laws This video covers the history section and discusses the scientists that laid the ground work for chemistry.

Complete WS #2.1: Periodic Table-How it works Click here for WS #2.1 Complete the worksheet to turn in on 10/2/2017

Review Quizlet Chapter 2 Click here for Quizlet #2 Review your vocabulary words and concepts. This does cover the full chapter.
Write up your lab report for Lab #2 States of Matter Review your lab report guidelines and grading rubric here Please type it and include a cover page.
Read WS #2.6 Periodic Table Battleship from Teach Beside Me blog Click Here for WS #2.8 Periodic Table Battleship Spend some time looking over the rules and the Periodic Table for the game during class. You don't need to print it, just read it.
Questions at the end of the chapter. Pg. 72-80. Work through the following questions/problems at the end of the chapter. 5, 7, 9, 17, 21, 
23,27, 29, 33, 49
WS #2.7 Valence electrons
Read this brief sheet about Valence Electrons

Bring your molecular model kits if you have them
Check out this web-site and check out this periodic table app. (Might need to use Chrome).

Get started on this list, I may add another activity or two to this, please check back on Friday. I wanted to get this uploaded so you could get started on the things we already had ready. The things listed will not change but I may add additional things.

Thursday, August 24, 2017

9/18/2017 Chapter 1: Chemical Foundations Part 2


Checklist of work to be done by the beginning of class:  9/18/2017

Print this and bring it to class with completed work checked off. (Or recreate it on paper if your printer isn’t working).  I suggest doing them in the order listed.

As we discussed in class, I have 

Complete the work given from Week 8/28/2017
Work your way down the checklist of work that was given the first week of class
Complete the work given from Week 9/11/2017
Work your way down the checklist of work that was given the first week of class
Read the Textbook 

Chemistry Textbook
p. 1-32 and complete the questions assigned last week.
Type and complete your lab report for Lab #1 The Scientific Method
Refer to your Lab Notebook Guide and Grading Rubric to complete it.

Complete WS #1.2
Complete the worksheet to turn in on 9/18/2017
Try this Quizizz as a practice quiz
Sign in and complete this online quizizz
Review Quizlet Chapter 1
Review your vocabulary words and concepts.

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

9/11/2017 Chapter 1: Chemical Foundations Part 1

Checklist of work to be done by the beginning of class:  9/11/2017

Print this and bring it to class with completed work checked off. (Or recreate it on paper if your printer isn’t working).  I suggest doing them in the order listed.

Read pg 1-32 
Zumdahl 9th Edition
Read the chapter and take notes before we discuss it in class
Read PPT #1
Read through the Powerpoint and make notes. Make a list of questions to discuss in class.
Watch these videos to explain the concepts 
Scientific Method

Significant Digits

Factor Label Method
Watch the three videos that explain the major points of the chapter

Complete the problems from the end of Chapter 1
Textbook pages 34-36
Pg. 34-36: Problems 17, 19, 23, 25, 29, 33, 35, 39, 43, 47, 53, 59, 69, 83, 87

Study with the Quizlet for Chapter #1
Use the flashcards to practice your vocabulary for the Chapter. Then play the games to reinforce them.
Make a Quizizz
Create a Quizizz and we may play them in class 10-15 questions. Best quizizz wins a prize.
Complete WS #1.1
Complete the Worksheet
Lab Report #1 Due

Using the Lab Notebook Guide and Lab Rubric from the first week, write up your Lab Report

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

8/28/2017: Lab Safety and Preparing for the Year

Checklist of work to be done by the beginning of class:  8/28/2017

Print this and bring it to class with completed work checked off. (Or recreate it on paper if your printer isn’t working). I suggest doing them in the order listed.

Task Location Directions for completing assignments Completed
Sign Up for 
Google Mail
Google We will be sharing  documents and even posting your exams and quizzes on Google. You must have your own unique gmail account

Sign Up for

Click here to join the class
Sign up for a Quizlet account and then join our class with the second link

Sign Up for Quizizz Quizizz
Sign up for Quizizz 
Read Powerpoint:
#Lab Safety
Click here forPowerpoint #Lab Read the Lab Safety
PPT and be ready to answer questions on it.
Read the Lab
Notebook Guide & Grading Rubric
Click here for
Notebook Guide &

Grading Rubric
Read the guide and be prepared to see up your lab notebook.
Student Safety 
Click here for Student
Safety Contract
Read the Contract and sign it. Have a parent read and sign it. Bring to class and turn it in.

Watch Videos Crash Course Chemistry #21

Lab Safety Rap
Watch these two videos about lab safety 

Safety & Lab Equipment
Click here for the Safety & Lab Equipment Homework Complete these questions and turn in during the first class

Quizlet #Lab Click here to practice your lab safety knowledge Use the flashcard app and the games to better learn your lab safety steps

Quizizz Click here for your Quizizz on lab safety This Quizizz is just for fun but some of them will be graded or even a competition

Read Lab #1: The
Scientific Method
Click here for Lab #1The Scientific Method Read through the entire lab and be prepared to complete during class

Read and sign the updated Syllabus Click here for the Updated Syllabus
The syllabus is a work in progress. The first 5+ weeks are laid out but are subject to change as we see how the everyone is handling the work load.

Order your Molecular Model Kit from Hensah on Amazon (or similar kit) Amazon Listing for Model Kit Be prepared to use this in class the week of September 11th

Genesis 11:4-5
They said, "Come, let us build for ourselves a city, and a tower whose top will reach into heaven, and let us make for ourselves a name, otherwise we will be scattered abroad over the face of the whole earth." The LORD came down to see the city and the tower which the sons of men had built.
Proverbs 18:10
The name of the LORD is a strong tower; The righteous runs into it and is safe.

An amazing tower of books!
Read more about it here
A slightly less amazing tower of sponges!

Monday, August 7, 2017

08/21/2017 Welcome to Chemistry I

Welcome to Chemistry I. 

We're happy you've decided to embark on this journey with us. I am Mrs. Priscilla and I have loved Chemistry since I first laid eyes on a periodic table and since I first heard the word "stoichiometry" (somewhere around the 10th grade in 1986).

What I loved most about Chemistry is that it was the first class that truly challenged me. I had to study and work through problems and copy my notes over. I had always been able to skate through school with a minimum effort and I was always bored. I would read novels during classes because I never really needed to give my classes my full attention. Chemistry was different and challenging and I loved that. Plus, it took science and layered in some math and then we got to play with building blocks, chemicals, and fire!

Mrs. Gates loves chemistry as well. She has a Bachelors Degree in Chemistry and a Masters Degree of Business Administration. Together, we will be exercising your minds for the next school year.

Before we begin, we would like to discuss the book we are using. Chemistry 9th Edition by Zumdahl and Zumdahl is an AP or College Level Textbook. It is a concise and straightforward book that covers the material in detail and with many examples and illustrations. It is not, however, a Christian-based textbook. While choosing a textbook, we looked at as many different Christian-based books as we could find and did not find one that went at the pace that we wanted to set nor that went into the depth that we were hoping to cover chemistry. It is a secular text. WE, however, are not secular. Mrs. Gates and I are both Christians and strongly believe that God is at the root of every process and every chemical reaction. We know that God created the Heavens and the Earth and that God is the greatest chemist and scientist there is. He, above all others, determines how each atom and each element works and reacts and it is ultimately his handiwork we are enjoying and exploring while we study Chemistry this year. The textbook mentions millions of years just a few times and may occasionally mention things that do not completely agree with our worldview and beliefs. As Christians, we face opposing opinions every day and we must learn to be strong in our faith and know the truth no matter what the world throws at us. In the end, we strongly feel that this textbook, despite its flaws, covers the material wonderfully and is an excellent fit for the group of students we have in the class. If students or parents have any concerns or questions, please make feel free to discuss them with us at any time. Our plan is to focus on the science and mastering the concepts and to not dwell on the 4 or 5 times that the book strays away from the heart of the science.

Classroom Rules

  1. Lab Safety Must Be Observed. The first class will focus on lab safety because it is a vital part of what we will do every class all year long.
  2. We will post everything on this web-page and do our best to make it clear what is due each week. You must do your best to complete the assignments when they are due and to stay on top of your work. Chemistry builds one concept upon the next and it is not easy to catch up when you fall behind. We will not accept assignments more than 3 weeks late. 
  3. Expect to spend 5-10 hours per week on this class. 
  4. The following list are examples of the types of assignments to expect each chapter:
    1. We will have videos posted for you to watch
    2. Powerpoint slides to read through
    3. Reading assignments from the book
    4. Problems to work out on your own. 
    5. Quizlets to use for studying or creating Quizlets for assignments
    6. Quizizz(es) to use for studying and quizzes and creating Quizzizzes to quiz other students
    7. Worksheets to reinforce important concepts
    8. Written lab reports laid out with your lab partners
    9. Building exercises with your molecular model kits
    10. Notebooking exercises for key concepts
  5. Our job is to teach you the concepts and show you how to work through the problems. Your job is to communicate with us about what you need to go over more thoroughly or where we've lost you. 
  6. You must come to class prepared for the lesson. Read the assignment. Work through the problems that have been assigned. Have a list of questions and make notes of the problems you couldn't figure out. 
  7. This class will require internet access. Each student will be required to set up an account on google mail, Quizizz, and Quizlet. Much of the required access can be handled on a phone or a tablet once the accounts are set up. All three of them have apps. This blog can also be viewed on mobile devices.
  8. Ask questions. It's a vital part of learning. 
  9. No horseplay in the classroom. We will be using glassware, fire, chemicals, and other equipment. The goal is to get through the school year without anyone catching fire. 
  10. Our class fees are $10 and our lab fees are $50. We are asking that you buy a molecular modeling kit (this one) for the kids to better spatially conceptualize how the elements and molecules fit together.
The web-page will be set up for each week. If you aren't sure what your homework is, it will be posted. Look at the web-site.

An app that lets us share quizzes
and learning games amongst
An app that helps you learn
vocabulary words and other
concepts through games and

Great are the works of the LORD; They are studied by all who delight in them. 
~Psalm 111:2