Monday, October 23, 2017

10/30/2017 Chapter 3 Part 2: Stoichiometry (3.6-3.9)

Chapter 3 Part 2: Stoichiometry (3.6-3.9)

This is the full list of assignments for the week. There should be no further changes.

Checklist of work to be done by the beginning of class:  10/30/2017

Print this and mark off work as completed. (Or recreate it on paper if your printer isn’t working).  I suggest doing them in the order listed.

I added colors to divide videos, from reading, from worksheets, from note booking, from tests, from labs. Hopefully, it will break the list up and cue you in to all the different things that are scheduled for you. 

Read pages 94-108. Stop at the end of Section 3.9
Chemistry by Zumdahl textbook
Read the chapter and take notes as you go.
Read through the Chapter 3 Powerpoint Part 2
Take notes as needed
Watch this video: Flipping Science: Calculating Molar Mass
(Corresponds to Section 3.4)
Some of the videos are dense with material. Rewatch them if necessary and take notes for yourself.
Watch this video: Chemistry Lesson: Percent Composition by GetChemistryHelp

(Corresponds to Section 3.6) 
This video takes Molar Mass and shows methodically how to calculate percentage composition.
Watch this video: Chemistry Lesson: Determining Formula from Composition Data
(Corresponds to Section 3.7)
This should help you work through the homework problems. This one is longer but it is detailed and takes you through each type of problem we’ll handle.
I suggest you work through the problem on paper as he works it on the video. Pausing it when you need to and working it as if you are in class taking notes. 
Watch this video: Chemistry Lesson: Writing Chemical Equations

(Corresponds to Section 3.8)
Some of the videos are dense with material. Rewatch them if necessary and take notes for yourself.
Watch this video: Chemistry Lesson: Balancing Chemical Equations

(Corresponds to Section 3.8-3.9)
I know these videos are long and there are several. Each one covers a different type of problem and goes through it very methodically. They are worth the time and the effort.

Complete Worksheet #3.6 Percentage Composition

Complete Worksheet #3.7 Molecular & Empirical Formula
Work through this sheet to solidify the concept of moles and Avogadro’s number

Worksheet #3.8 Reference Sheet Polyatomic Ions (I handed this out in class)
Reference Sheet that I handed out in class.

Questions from the textbook pages 125-137
p. 125: Review Questions: 1, 3, 6,

p. 126-137: Active Learning Questions: 4, 5, 13, 18, 37, 39, 45, 50,  52, 54, 65, 82, 96, 98, 100, 101, 153, 156

Notebooking NB#3.1 Periodic Table
(I handed this out in class)
Periodic Table Exercise (color the named family, and then inside, describe some properties the atoms share in that family)
Complete this and glue into your notebook
Notebooking NB #3.2 Ion Soup
(I handed this out in class)
Complete this and glue into your notebook

Notebooking NB #3.3 Balancing Equations
(I handed this out in class)
Complete this and glue into your notebook

Lab #3.1 Measuring the width of a molecule
If you were not in class, you can easily do this at home with an eye dropper and a teaspoon measuring spoon (5 mL) to measure drops in, a cup measuring cup, a ruler, and a bowl and pepper. You don't need to write up the lab, just work out the math for the measurements (described in the lab).
If you were given work back that said correct for full credit, need to get it back in a timely fashion.
Please Mark it as corrected or redone! 

Thursday, October 19, 2017

10/23/2017 Chapter 3 Part 1: Stoichiometry (3.1-3.5)

Chapter 3 Part 1: Stoichiometry (3.1-3.5)

Checklist of work to be done by the beginning of class:  10/23/2017

Print this and mark off work as completed. (Or recreate it on paper if your printer isn’t working).  I suggest doing them in the order listed.

I added colors to divide videos, from reading, from worksheets, from note booking. Hopefully, it will break the list up and cue you in to all the different things that are scheduled for you. 

Read pages 81-94. Stop at Section 3.6
Chemistry by Zumdahl textbook
Read the chapter and take notes as you go.
Read through the Chapter 3 Powerpoint
Take notes as needed
Watch this video: Bozeman Science The Mole
Some of the videos are dense with material. Rewatch them if necessary and take notes for yourself.
Watch this video: How Big is a Mole by Daniel Dulek
Some of the videos are dense with material. Rewatch them if necessary and take notes for yourself.
I may add additional videos later in the week. 
Check back. 

Read WS #3.1 Mole Formula Cheat Sheet
Read over this. It covers the whole chapter. This week we’re only covering part of it.
Complete Worksheet #3.2 The Mole and Avogadro’s Number

Work through this sheet to solidify the concept of moles and Avogadro’s number

Complete Worksheet #3.3 Molar Masses How To
Read this sheet and work through the examples to figure out how to calculate Molar Masses

Complete Worksheet #3.4 Molar Mass I
Work through these Molar Mass examples

Complete Worksheet #3.5 Molar Mass II 
Work through these Molar Mass examples
Bring your Notebooks to class, we will have an activity to add to it this week
Also bring your supplies (markers, pencils, scissors, glue sticks, etc)

Test for Chapter 2
THIS TEST IS DUE 10/23/2017. I am posting it early for your convenience.
Write up the Flame Test Lab in a formal report
Typed, title page, the whole shebang.
If you were given work back that said correct for full credit, need to get it back in a timely fashion.

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

10/16/2017 Chapter 2 Part 3: Atoms, Molecules, and Ions: Naming Compounds Pt 2

Chapter 2 Part 3: Atoms, Molecules, and Ions: Naming Compounds part 2

Checklist of work to be done by the beginning of class:  10/16/2017

Print this and bring it to class with completed work checked off. (Or recreate it on paper if your printer isn’t working).  I suggest doing them in the order listed.

I added colors to divide videos, from reading, from worksheets, from note booking. Hopefully, it will break the list up and cue you in to all the different things that are scheduled for you. 

Make sure you’ve read Chapter 2 completely
Chemistry by Zumdahl textbook
Read the chapter and take notes as you go.
Watch this video: Bozeman Science Lewis Dot Structures
Some of the videos are dense with material. Rewatch them if necessary and take notes for yourself.
Watch this video: Bozeman Science Atoms & the Periodic Table
He misspeaks when he’s doing the Bohr model of Neon. See if you catch it. The drawing is correct but his lecture isn’t.
Rewatch this video: Bozeman Science: Naming Compounds I
Some of the videos are dense with material. Rewatch them if necessary and take notes for yourself.
Watch this video: Bozeman Science: Naming Compounds II
Some of the videos are dense with material. Rewatch them if necessary and take notes for yourself.
Read WS #2.5 Naming Compounds Tutorial and Worksheet
I handed out during class Monday, 10/10. The tutorial is very thorough, between the two videos and the tutorial, you should come out of the week with a really solid foundation in naming compounds.
Complete Worksheet #2.2 Important Terms 1

Complete Worksheet #2.11 Naming Chemical Compounds

Read Lab #3 Flame Test
Be prepared to complete the lab during class on Monday, 10/9
I posted this last week, so you should have already read through it. We will do it in class this week

Type your lab report for Lab #2 States of Matter
If you haven’t already turned it in.
Complete the Atoms page and glue it to page #3
We started these in class. Make sure you finish them up (Just page 4 of the doc.
Notebooking: Complete the Electron Distribution page and glue it to page #4
We started these in class. Make sure you finish them up.
Notebooking: Complete the Lewis Structure page and glue it to page #4
We started these in class. Make sure you finish them up.
If you weren't in class, you need a composition notebook to paste your pages above into.

Test for Chapter 2
THIS TEST IS DUE 10/23/2017. I am posting it early for your convenience.